3 Things to Know About Little Caesar’s Customers This Week

by | Nov 8, 2023

Welcome to another installment of CivicScience’s tracking insights into the most important and current trends in America today, as seen through the lens of different brands each week. CivicScience regularly tracks thousands of brands through the InsightStore™, which gathers over 4 million U.S. survey responses daily. This week, we studied more than a million Little Caesar’s customers to preview our capabilities.

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Here are 3 Things to Know about Little Caesar’s Customers this week:

#1: Little Caesar’s customers are nearly twice as likely to partake in sports betting this year than non-customers.
#2. 56% of Little Caesar’s customers read recipe content online, a figure much more significant than non-customers.
#3: Little Caesar’s fans are much less likely to exercise at home regularly than non-customers.

Tell Us: When you order a pizza, are you more likely to pick it up or have it delivered? 🍕

Stay tuned for more customer insights next week through the lens of some of the thousands of brands CivicScience tracks all the time. In the meantime, we study tens of thousands of topics like these daily – if you want to know anything about your customers or how to reach them, we have the answer.

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