What Separates Walmart+ Members From Amazon Prime Members?

by | Aug 2, 2023

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Since its launch in 2020, Walmart+ has positioned itself as a versatile alternative to Amazon Prime. In addition to free product delivery, fuel discounts, and Paramount+ bundled access (along with exclusive screenings for Paramount films in theaters), the service is offering Walmart Cash to members who book vacations through the app or website.

Compared to the last time CivicScience polled consumer sentiment on Walmart+ in April 2022, membership is up three percentage points among those aware of the program, corresponding to a similarly sized dip in intenders (from 14% to 12%). Given that the uninterested camp is also decreasing, Walmart+ membership trends are still heading in a positive direction.

That said, it’s lost ground in a head-to-head with Amazon Prime over the same time period. According to the latest CivicScience data, just 7% of U.S. adults with an opinion view Walmart+ more favorably than Amazon Prime (61% prefer the latter). This likely aligns with Prime’s significantly higher member base (68% of those polled, compared to just 8% for Walmart+).

Here are five more unexpected insights about what separates Walmart+ members from Amazon Prime members:

  • Walmart+ members and Prime members are both more likely than non-members to limit their children’s screen time, but Walmart+ members are a bit more likely (75% compared to 68% for Prime members).
  • Despite Amazon pioneering pay-by-hand technology and expanding it to Whole Foods stores, Walmart+ members are three times more likely than Prime members to claim they’re ‘very comfortable’ with palm payments (31% compared to 9%).
  • Walmart+ members are nearly twice as likely to say they’re ‘very likely’ to switch banks in the next three months compared to Prime members – but Prime members have a greater likelihood in general to change banks.
  • Over half of Walmart+ members have used buy now, pay later services, which exceeds the rate of Prime members (37%).
  • Prime members and Walmart+ members are similarly likely to be moviegoers of at least some frequency, but Walmart+ members are more likely to go once a month or more (21% compared to 13% for Prime members).

As of right now, Walmart+ members look like different types of consumers than Prime members. Walmart+ is carving out a formidable space for itself, but even with all the additional perks, Amazon Prime can still be viewed as the leader of subscription-based e-commerce.

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