Unlocking Nextdoor Usage in 2024, From Business Recommendations to Staying Aware

by | Jan 17, 2024

For some Americans, their means of staying up on the local happenings involves opening the Nextdoor app. Nextdoor is available in over 260,000 neighborhoods in the U.S. and went public just over three years ago, but it’s been rough times for the company of late. How many Americans scroll through Nextdoor, and what are they using the app for today?  

According to the latest CivicScience data, roughly 3-in-10 Americans have experience using the Nextdoor app, and another 11% plan to try it. However, the plurality (33%) say they’ve never heard of the app. In terms of frequency of usage, two-thirds of Nextdoor users use the app at least weekly, including 31% who use the app daily and 35% weekly. 

Unlike most social media platforms, where the user base typically skews heavily toward adults under 35, Nextdoor is much more balanced. Millennials (32%) and Gen Z adults (31%) only hold a slight edge as leading users of Nextdoor over Gen X and Baby Boomers, who each stand at 28%, respectively. That said, younger adults are far more likely to be Nextdoor intenders than their Gen X and 55+ counterparts.  

Take Our Poll: How often do you post / comment on Nextdoor?

Communication Is Key

A scroll through Nextdoor will find a variety of different types of content, but the prevailing reason users say they’re using the app is to keep up to date with neighborhood news. Not far behind is crime and safety (49%), with recommendations for local businesses (40%) rounding out the top three. Thirty percent say they’re looking to buy, sell or give something away or to stay in touch with neighbors.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Nextdoor, like any social media platform, has its share of positive impacts on local businesses and community support. However, it’s likely not immune to the negative aspects of social media platforms in today’s political climate. In an election year, tensions, as well as instances of misinformation, are all too likely to rise. CivicScience data show 58% of active Nextdoor users and 59% of potential users post about politics ‘somewhat frequently,’ far exceeding those uninterested in the app (11%).

Interior Decorating On the Mind 

Home and interior decorating is of particular interest for consumers using Nextdoor as well as those planning to try it – 65% of users and 74% of Nextdoor intenders say they follow home and interior decorating trends at least ‘somewhat closely,’ compared to 24% of non-users (among those aware of Nextdoor). Roughly one-third of users follow these trends ‘very’ closely. 

Three More Nextdoor User Insights from the CivicScience InsightStore™: 

  • Nearly half (44%) of Nextdoor users report they plan to move to a new residence within the next year (excluding those unsure).
  • Speaking of future plans, a full third of Nextdoor users say it’s ‘very likely’ they’ll be switching banks in the next three months – far outpacing non-users (2%).
  • They’re 13 points more likely to use third-party services such as Instacart for grocery delivery.

Although Q4 was rough for Nextdoor’s bottom line, the app has an avid and frequent user base with a wide variety of reasons to use it. Given the percentages of consumers utilizing Nextdoor for local business recommendations or to buy and sell, it’s clear that the platform is an opportunity for businesses to make headway with consumers they might not normally reach. 

Join the Discussion: In general, how trustworthy do you find business recommendations from users on Nextdoor?

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