More Than 2 in 5 Have Lawn and Garden Projects Planned This Summer, Balancing Budgets and Sustainability

by | Jun 12, 2024

Man using lawn care equipment

Photo Credit: Jared Muller (unsplash)

Back in April, CivicScience found that many Americans plan to be busy with home improvement projects this year, with outdoor projects standing out among the leading areas (behind bathrooms). As the weather shifts to summer, it’s time to take a closer look at those outdoor project plans, honing in on lawn and garden. 

Just how many of those with a lawn or garden to maintain have summer plans to work out their green thumbs? 

New CivicScience data show among those who have a lawn or garden of their own, 44% report they have a lawn or gardening project in the next three months.1 The majority of them (56%) say they care for their lawn/garden by themselves, 14 points more than homeowners who don’t plan to do any lawn and garden projects this summer. 

Take Our Poll: Are you someone who enjoys doing lawn work?

Despite these plans, home remodel spending is slowing and that bears out in the outdoor realm as well – nearly 3-in-10 consumers say they are spending less than usual this summer on outdoor furnishings, landscaping and gardening, which is eight points higher than those who will spend more. Still, the majority say they’re spending about the same as usual. 

In a six-month outlook of lawn and gardening spending plans, the vast majority (70%) will keep their budget at $250 and under, while 14% plan to invest $500 or more. 

Chain home improvement stores lead the way as the go-to source for lawn and gardening supplies.

As far as where consumers shop for their lawn and garden project supplies, chain home improvement stores (like Home Depot) are the most popular option (58%). Local home improvement stores (16%) and big-box stores like Walmart (14%) follow in distant second and third, while used/surplus stores (3%) and online shopping (4%) are the least common choices. 2

Environmental-consciousness, and automated technology could shape lawn and gardening this year.

Although CivicScience has previously seen a dramatic decrease in those ‘very’ concerned about climate change over the past four years, new data show nearly 8-in-10 property owners believe it’s at least ‘somewhat’ important they’re being eco-friendly in their lawn/garden care efforts. This includes a majority of Republicans, though they’re at least twice as likely as Democrats and Independents to say it’s ‘not at all important’ to them. 

AI and automated technology are all the rage these days and it’s extending into the lawn care sector. The robotic lawn mower market is booming, while smart home products like smart sprinkler systems offer the potential to conserve water, so much so that the city of Fresno gave smart irrigation controllers to 1,500 residents for free. CivicScience polling finds 39% of those with lawns to care for report some level of interest in automated technologies like these. This jumps to 51% – including 20% who are ‘very’ interested – among those planning a lawn or gardening project over the summer.

Weigh in: Do you use eco-friendly yard methods?

As summer arrives, Americans are poised to balance their planned lawn and gardening projects with a cautious approach to spending. Many may not be big spenders on their yards this summer. Automated and eco-friendly lawn technology may run on the pricier side, but it is something Americans who are looking to flex their green thumbs have an interest in and a trend worth monitoring in the months ahead.

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  1. 1,765 responses from 06/07/2024 to 06/12/2024 ↩︎
  2. 1,700 responses from 06/09/2024 to 06/12/2024 ↩︎

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