Infographic: PayPal Vs. Cash App Customers

by | Feb 12, 2024

CivicScience regularly tracks thousands of brands through the InsightStore™, which gathers over 4 million U.S. survey responses daily. Get in touch to learn more.

PayPal is one of the most popular digital payment tools available, beating estimates in its latest earnings call. Meanwhile, Block’s Cash App is among the fastest-growing mobile payment apps on the market. But with recent reports of thefts involving digital wallets, some consumers are becoming hesitant to use payment apps to make purchases. According to CivicScience polling, users of Cash App are more concerned about security when using digital payment methods than PayPal users.

Keep reading this latest installment of CivicScience’s brand comparison series – which analyzes key differences among brands by leveraging the unexpected insights in the InsightStore™ – to learn more about the differences between PayPal and Cash App customers.

Take Our Poll: Which of these mobile payment apps do you like the best overall? 💸📲

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