The latest biweekly reading of the Penta-CivicScience Economic Sentiment Index (ESI) decreased by 0.2 points to 41.1, marking a minor dip in overall economic confidence as the holiday shopping season begins.
Three of the ESI’s five indicators decreased during this period. Confidence in the overall U.S. economy decreased the most, falling 3.4 points to 50.1. This marks the second period in a row this indicator has fallen by more than 3 points.
—Confidence in personal finances decreased 2.9 points to 59.3.
—Confidence in finding a new job decreased 1.0 points to 41.3.
—Confidence in making a major purchase increased 3.2 points to 30.2.
—Confidence in buying a new home increased 3.2 points to 24.7.
View the full reading here. Learn more about the CivicScience Economic Sentiment Index here.
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