After Six Months, Here’s How Consumers Are Responding to ChatGPT

by | Jun 6, 2023

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Half-birthdays are a little precious for the average person to celebrate, but ChatGPT’s made quite an impact in its first half-trip around the sun. Investors are salivating over the prospect of companies substantially implementing the technology, which has come a long way and upended numerous industries in a short time. CivicScience has tracked sentiment toward the AI tool throughout its first six months, which has seen increasing concern among all U.S. adults, particularly among registered Democrats, in the past month.

But not all consumer trendlines are looking grim for ChatGPT, despite its bulldozing success. Americans are overwhelmingly more aware of the technology now compared to six months ago. Just under half of all U.S. adults (46%) have not heard of ChatGPT, compared to the 75% who hadn’t at the beginning of the year. Nearly 1-in-5 adults have now either tried or intend to try GPT, marking an increase of 8 percentage points over the same time period.

In line with Americans’ overall concerns about the proliferation of AI tech, they are also not too bullish about what it might mean for jobs in the long run. According to the latest CivicScience data, just 55% of U.S. adults have an opinion on the matter, while 45% are not sure. Among those who have an opinion, 74% think it’s likelier that ChatGPT will be responsible for eliminating more jobs than it enhances in the long term, while just over one-quarter of adults with an opinion think it will enhance jobs long-term.

Younger Americans are much more likely to see ChatGPT as a job-enhancer than the Gen Pop. While a majority of every age bracket with an opinion is inclined to see GPT as a job-eliminator, Gen Z adults are much closer to a 50/50 split than any age group (44% see it as enhancing jobs in the long term).

CivicScience will continue to track consumer sentiment surrounding ChatGPT in the coming months and years. If you want to know even more about how the technology might impact your business, book a meeting today.