Which Cleaning Brands Might See a Boost From Clorox Shortages?

by | Sep 19, 2023

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On Monday, Clorox announced that a cyberattack from August is still causing “widespread disruptions” to company operations. This could potentially mean sustained product shortages over the next quarter, which includes the company’s arsenal of cleaning wipes, bleach, and subsidiary brands like Burt’s Bees and Hidden Valley Ranch. Cyberattacks have also hampered Las Vegas casinos like MGM and Caesars with long delays and lines.

CivicScience gauged the possible impact of Clorox product shortages in the coming months and asked consumers which cleaning brands they’re likely to buy instead. Lysol was the overwhelming favorite (44% of those who buy Clorox products would get Lysol instead), with Walmart’s Great Value placing second at 16% – not counting ‘another brand’ at 24%.

Shoppers defecting to each of these brands have different priorities when it comes to brand and price. Lysol shoppers are among the most likely to say they find brand and price to be ‘equally important’ (54%), while Great Value shoppers are the most likely to prioritize price (38%). Seventh Generation fans are the most likely to prize brand over price (35% value the former).

Zooming in further on Clorox shoppers, they’re more likely than non-shoppers to say they’ve become ‘more price sensitive’ in the past year (58%, compared to 50% of those who don’t buy Clorox). This will be important to monitor for rival brands looking to seize a piece of the pie in the coming months, since their loyalties may ultimately shift to the next-cheapest option available.

CivicScience will continue to monitor how Clorox shortages might shake up the household cleaning market. For a glimpse of how your company can stay ahead of the coming changes, book a meeting today to preview our deepest insights.

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