Prime Day Interest Jumps More Than 10 Percentage Points From 2022

by | Jul 4, 2023

Everyone wants a piece of Prime Day. Amazon’s flagship summer sale has spawned a number of competitor sale events, from Walmart, Target, and more – all combining to make July one of the busiest online shopping months outside the holiday season.

CivicScience has long tracked the expected turnout for Prime Day and rival events, along with product categories drawing the most interest. Where do consumers stand heading into the upcoming season of deals?

Prime Day interest is on the rise.

According to the latest CivicScience data, Prime Day turnout might see a substantial uptick year-over-year for 2023. Amazon Prime members who plan to shop during the event this year have increased 12 percentage points from the 2022 data (50% intend to shop, compared to 38% ahead of last year’s sale). Prime Day shoppers are three times more likely to not know what item(s) they want than to have something specific in mind.

Smart home security devices and air purifiers make big leaps in 2023.

Compared to 2022, smart TVs and Apple AirPods/headphones are still the most coveted product polled for Prime Day. But this year has seen notable gains for interest in smart home security devices (15%, up from 11%) and air purifiers (14%, up from 8%) – the latter perhaps being top of mind with a summer of poor air quality across the Northeast and Midwest.

Competitor sales will thrive alongside Prime Day.

Prime Day is still commanding an outsized chunk of the pie – but those competing sales will certainly disrupt the flow of e-commerce in the coming weeks. Although 7-in-10 shoppers of any of these sales will take their business to Prime Day, one-third will be shopping during Walmart Plus Week, with at least 1-in-5 shopping Target Circle Week and Best Buy Black Friday in July.

Additional Prime Day insights:

  • Gen Z and young Millennial Prime members are the most likely by far to shop on Prime Day – and also more than twice as likely as any other age group to already know what they want. 
  • Urban Prime members are twice as likely as rural Prime members to already know what they want during Prime Day.
  • Prime members who go to the movies once a month or more are drastically more likely to be Prime Day shoppers than any other frequency of moviegoer – and they’re nearly three times as likely as any other Prime member to know what they want.

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