Nostalgia Drives Advent Calendar Participation

by | Dec 9, 2024

Image Credit: Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Advent calendars have long been a festive tradition, building excitement for the holiday season. Thanks to social media, these calendars, traditionally filled with small trinkets to count down the days to Christmas, have evolved into much more. This year, Advent calendars made their debut as early as September, offering a fun unboxing experience where users can try a range of products.

New CivicScience data show that 22% of U.S. adults intend to participate in an Advent calendar this year, including 9% who are doing one for the first time. While overall participation holds steady from 2023, the percentage of first-timers, in particular, is up three percentage points. Conversely, 78% are not participating in one this year, in line with previous years. Leading the charge are Gen Z, men (slightly), and those with an annual household income under $50K.

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Among those interested in Advent calendars, decorative Advent calendars are the most popular, followed by food/wine. Compared to 2023, interest in food/wine, toys, and beauty/skincare Advent calendars has declined. Conversely, interest in decorative and tea/coffee calendars is up. 

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How Nostalgia Drives Interest in Advent Calendars

For many, Advent calendars evoke nostalgia, reminding them of the excitement and joy of counting down to Christmas as children. According to CivicScience data, half of Advent calendar participants say they were a part of their holiday traditions growing up. Additionally, nearly three-quarters (72%) of participants report feeling at least ‘somewhat’ nostalgic for the past, highlighting the emotional connection to Advent calendars.

Advent calendars have evolved beyond their traditional roots, offering more than just a countdown to Christmas. This shift, fueled by social media and creative marketing, has broadened its appeal, especially among younger generations and those wanting to try a range of products. With participation rising slightly from last year and nostalgia playing a key role in their ongoing popularity, Advent calendars continue to serve as both a holiday tradition and a valuable marketing tool.

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