Natural Products Get a Fresh Boost Among Spring Cleaners This Year

by | Apr 20, 2023

The arrival of spring brings longer days, changing weather, and of course, the infamous spring cleaning. This is the time of the year when there’s a collective desire to shake off the winter cobwebs and freshen up in preparation for summer, whether that’s a home, a wardrobe, a lifestyle – or anything else.

As the data show, the vast majority of U.S. adults (89%) plan to do some form of spring cleaning this year. More than 4-in-10 will be doing ‘a lot’ of cleaning. This is on par with spring cleaning intentions last year at this time.

Who plans to spring clean this year and what kinds of products will they be using? CivicScience has the answers:

The Spring Cleaners Among Us

It may not come as a surprise that homeowners are the most likely to be doing the most spring cleaning. Adults aged 25-34, as well as those who have been feeling highly stressed, are also planning to clean the most intensively. Spring cleaning may help some people achieve increased mental well-being.

What may come as a surprise, however, is that it’s those who typically spend the least amount of time (11 hours or less) at home every day who are the most keen on spring cleaning overall. This suggests that people who leave their home more have a stronger desire for a clean space when they return. 

Which Brands Make the Cut?

Of course, when it comes to cleaning, there are plenty of products on the market. A look at some of the biggest names in household cleaning products – from conventional to natural to private label – shows Clorox is the most popular, followed by Lysol. Here’s how the leading brands rank among Americans (data collected in April, n=3,302).

Percentage of U.S. adults who typically purchase cleaning products from:
  1. Clorox (65%)
  2. Lysol (58%)
  3. Great Value (21%)
  4. Simple Green (20%)
  5. Mrs. Meyers (13%)
  6. Method (10%)
  7. Seventh Generation (8%)
  8. Up & Up (7%)

A total of 86% of respondents say they typically purchase one or more of the brands in the list.

Interest in Natural Cleaning Products Growing

Conventional chemical-based products still hold an edge over natural products, but reported usage of natural cleaning products among spring cleaners has gone up since last year, as chemical-based usage fell. Nearly half (47%) of those who are doing the most spring cleaning say that they will use natural products and chemical-based products the same amount, up from 41% in 2022. A greater percentage plan to use only natural cleaning products this year (up 2 points), while far fewer will use only chemical-based (down 8 points).

Trend to Watch: Refillable Cleaning Subscription Boxes

While the majority of consumers continue to purchase from old faithful brands, the growth in natural product usage could in part be related to a flurry of new products on the market. In recent years, the rise of subscription services has extended to cleaning supplies, with companies such as Grove Collaborative, Blueland, and Cleancult. Many offer consumers the option to receive monthly kits with refillable “eco-friendly” products, where you can refill reusable bottles using tablets or solutions rather than repurchasing bottle after bottle. 

So far, adoption is still low – April data show just 8% have tried subscription cleaning supply boxes or kits that offer refillable products, while 61% have never heard of the companies (n=3,313). Intent to try (6%), which more than doubles among 18- to 24-year-olds (14%), indicates there could be a growing interest in the convenience and sustainability objectives that these types of products/services may provide.

So while spring cleaning is certainly here to stay, this year’s subtle shifts indicate that Americans are slowly but surely finding a balance between classic brands, like Clorox, as well as cleaner and greener products – potentially for everyone’s benefit. 

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