Infographic: Carhartt Vs. The North Face Customers

by | Jan 16, 2024

CivicScience regularly tracks thousands of brands through the InsightStore™, which gathers over 4 million U.S. survey responses daily. Get in touch to learn more.

The North Face has been a popular outerwear brand for several years, appealing to younger generations with a little more money to spend and a flair for all things trendy. Last year, CivicScience polling revealed The North Face was the most favorable brand among American consumers in the market for outerwear apparel, but favorability for Carhartt has pulled ahead this season.

Carhartt’s style is very different from The North Face and doesn’t attract as many members of Gen Z as The North Face. Neutral colors and heavy-duty styling appeal a little more to men than women, but it still has a fairly even appeal across all age groups, as shown by CivicScience data.

In this latest installment of CivicScience’s brand comparison series, which analyzes key differences among brands by leveraging the unexpected insights in the InsightStore™, the data outline how Carhartt customers compare to The North Face customers – and what makes these brand favorables unique.

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