Immediate Insights: One-Quarter of U.S. Adults Are ‘Very Concerned’ About People Claiming AI-Generated Work As Their Own

by | Jan 18, 2023

If the first months of ChatGPT are any indication, AI-generated art and text apps might be far from a passing fad. Professors have already begun to retool their assignment policies to prevent students from turning in robo-penned essays. One tech and AI industry analyst bullishly claimed that “we might reach 90% of online content generated by AI by 2025.” Nick Cave recently called a ChatGPT imitation of one of his own songs a “grotesque mockery of what it is to be human, and, well, I don’t much like it.”

CivicScience wanted to see where U.S. adults stand with AI technology and the heightened ethical questions its adoption might raise, following a December poll that generally found low levels of familiarity, interest, and favorability. More U.S. adults are currently familiar with ChatGPT than in December (70% are unfamiliar now, compared to 79% last month). 

But when it comes to overall favorability for AI-generated chat and art platforms, U.S. adults are a bit chillier on them with a bit more distance from CivicScience’s initial study (71% unfavorable now compared to 67% in December) – and the most movement has occurred in the direction of ‘highly unfavorable.’

Just under half of U.S. adults feel some degree of concern for students and other creative professionals using AI technology and passing off the work as their own – but a plurality are still undecided, which you might credit to low familiarity with ChatGPT and similar platforms specifically. Concern is fairly evenly distributed among age (adults aged 25-34 are the least likely to express some degree of concern at 43%) and political party (Republicans are most likely to be ‘very concerned’ at 28%, compared to Democrats at 23%) – so trepidation doesn’t belong to any one group right now.

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