CivicScience Trend Adoption Tracker | Q2 2023

by | Jul 11, 2023

As we reach halfway through 2023, CivicScience’s Quarterly Trend Adoption Report continues to track trends across a variety of consumer products and services. Key insights from each section are listed below: 

Around the Home: Ownership of Smart Home, Smart Speakers, and Mesh Wifi Systems dipped for the first time in over a year. Intent also decreased for Smart Home, Home Security, and Mesh Wifi Systems, suggesting that the market may have reached a saturation point.

Digital Engagement: Ownership of all digital engagement products decreased this quarter while intent remained stagnant. Awareness of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Smart Displays dropped 1 to 3 percentage points this quarter, suggesting an increased space for marketing and advertising.

Finance: Usage of Mobile Payment Apps has continued to grow, whereas intent and awareness have leveled off. Usage of Cryptocurrency and Online-only Financial Institutions have remained stable for over a year, and Financial Info Aggregator Apps decreased 2 percentage points in the last quarter.

Health & Wellness: Awareness of CBD, Fitness Tracking Apps, and Telemedicine have stabilized around 85% over the past 3 years. Usage of Fitness Tracking Apps reached an all-time high at 36.1% this quarter, while use of other health and wellness trends slightly dropped.

Food & Beverage: Grocery Delivery and Oat Milk use continue to rise. Oat Milk awareness and usage have steadily increased quarter-over-quarter, suggesting it’s popularity still has more to grow.

Shopping Behaviors: Augmented Reality shopping decreased 2 percentage points in use and awareness this quarter. Online Car and Glasses shopping have stayed relatively stable over the past year and a half, both around 19% usage. Buying Directly from Social Media and Online, Interest-Free Payment Programs use slightly decreased this quarter.

Tech Adoption: Despite continually declining intent, usage of 5G continues to rise – reaching 62% of Americans. Smartwatch ownership has also steadily increased in the past year, despite intent and awareness stagnating.

Miscellaneous: Electric Vehicle ownership and intent have dropped over the past year. Use of Online Learning and Language Learning Apps, Electric Scooters, and Fresh Prepared Dog Food remained relatively stable over the past year.

How are these and other trends ‘trending’ among your brand’s target consumers? Get in touch to learn more about how the InsightStore can help you get ahead of the curve.

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