ChatGPT Concern Increases Among U.S. Adults, Registered Democrats

by | May 15, 2023

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ChatGPT has already reshaped the way workplaces – including this one – operate on a day-to-day basis, and will potentially continue to augment human work for years to come. But even as companies reap the early financial and productivity benefits of the tool, Americans are not without their concerns about how it might impact labor displacement in select industries. Federal regulation drew strong support from U.S. adults when CivicScience last polled on the technology in April.

According to the latest data, U.S. adults are currently more concerned about ChatGPT than they were last month. Sixty-three percent of adults (up five percentage points from April) currently express at least some level of concern. More Americans have formed an opinion since the last polling – and they’re migrating to the ‘concerned’ camp.

Compared to the last time CivicScience measured GPT concern among registered voters with an opinion, Democrats are now significantly more likely to express the highest level of concern (39% per the May data). This figure nearly matches Republican respondents claiming to be ‘very concerned’ (41%), who were much more likely than registered Democrats to exhibit the most concern in April.

Concern also varies significantly between type of occupation – among those with an opinion – but not necessarily in expected ways. For instance, U.S. adults working in service jobs are much more likely than those in a computer/technical/medical line of work to be ‘very concerned’ about AI tools like ChatGPT. Professional/managerial roles are the most likely to be ‘very concerned’ (44%, tied with service workers), while those in operations and sales are the most likely to express any level of concern. Those in computer/technical/medical jobs are the least likely to express the highest level of concern, with craftsmen/laborers/farmers the next least likely. Concern level is also slightly higher among employed adults.

As ChatGPT’s influence continues to span across industries and generations, CivicScience will monitor changes in sentiment and consumer concern.

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