5 Unexpected Consumer Insights About Future New Car Buyers

by | Jul 4, 2023

Higher interest rates, supply chain issues, and, more recently, the resumption of student loans have all significantly impacted purchasing behaviors when it comes to buying/leasing a new car. According to the latest CivicScience data, 7% of U.S. adults are ‘very likely’ to buy or lease a new car in the next 90 days, and another 14% are ‘somewhat likely’ to get a new car – both figures that decreased by one percentage point over the last month. Conversely, 79% report they’re ‘not at all likely’ to buy or lease a new car in the next three months. 

So, how do those very likely to buy or lease a new car in the near future compare to those not interested in a new car? CivicScience has the answers: 

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