5 Unexpected Consumer Insights About Frequent Moviegoers

by | Jul 11, 2023

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A blockbuster showdown awaits at the box office next week as “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie” both make their highly anticipated debuts. This clash has sparked memes and intense competition between the two films, but whether or not the hype is enough to draw crowds is to be determined. 

The latest data from ongoing tracking reveal just 11% of U.S. adults report making the trek to the theater ‘once a month or more,’ while more than a quarter (26%) make the trip less than once a month. A further 30% say they’ll go once a year and one-third ‘never’ go to the movies – a percentage down 7 points since the height of the pandemic in 2021. Moviegoing frequency has improved since 2021, but has still not rebounded to pre-pandemic levels

So, who are today’s most frequent moviegoers, and how do they compare to those who never go to the movies? CivicScience has the answers:

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